Vince, Andrea, and Vince's Mom playing Mini-Golf
It's not as cold as she makes it seem!!!
Andrea patiently waiting as I make my shot.
Its going in!!
Vince and Andrea...How cute!
Andrea, Vince, and Charlie at the Rose Garden
Vince, Charlie, and I at the Rose Garden
Andrea with Mrs. Buttersworth
Vince and his girls
Table Rock
Andrea, Vince, and Andrea on Table Rock
The boss
Patti and Vince Getting ready to eat!
Everyone Chatting
Andrea relaxing after a yummy dinner!
Dad, Jay, Hilary, and Andrea
Dad opening presents on Father's Day
Say "thank you"!
Charlie after a hard day's work!
Andrea and Vince
Rayn looking so cute! :)
Vince, Andrea, and Andrea. (Mom, what are you looking at?)
Andrea and Charlie
Andrea and Vince being goofballs!!!
Go Red Sox!
Andrea quenching her thirst!
Patti, Matt, and Vince
Vince about to go tubing!
Andrea and I having fun!
Vince and Andrea getting ready to go tubing!
Matt and Andrea on the dock.
"Look mom, NO HANDS!!"
Hi Andrea!
Andrea catching a wave.
Bathing Beauty!
Andrea enjoying the sun!
Soaking up the sun!
"I can do it!"
So cute!
Andrea looking tanner!
E Z Cheese lady!
Soaking up the sun.
Andrea and Vince on Table Rock
Me and Vince!
Me and Andrea!
Vince being sweet
Vince and Andrea chatting!
Hey, what's on Vince?
Is it dead???
Hey, the fishy jumped on Andrea!
Taking a nap
Andrea, Mom,and Vince being lazy!
Oscar, what are you doing on Mom?
Cracker..you too??
All of us in the pool! Vince, what are you doing?
Say cheese!
Andrea talking to her daddy!
Me and Vince! Cheese :)